Luke Perry died in California on March 4th just days after suffering a massive stroke. He was only 52. And according to his daughter Sophie Perry, when he was laid to rest in Tennessee last month he was buried in a mushroom suit.


Check out her Instagram post below:


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💋In December I went to San Francisco with two of my best friends. One of them, had never never been to California, so we went to show him the Redwoods. I took this picture while we were there, because i thought, “damn, those mushrooms are beautiful.” Now, mushrooms hold an entirely new meaning for me. Any explanation i give will not do justice to the genius that is the mushroom burial suit, but it is essentially an eco friendly burial option via mushrooms. All i can say is that you should all look into them at or just by googling “mushroom burial suit” . My dad discovered it, and was more excited by this than I have ever seen him. He was buried in this suit, one of his final wishes. They are truly a beautiful thing for this beautiful planet, and I want to share it with all of you.

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It turns out Luke Perry was a bit of an environmentalist and actually discovered the mushroom burial suit.


“The company Coeio says its Infinity Burial Suit is a completely biodegradable burial garment. According to its website, the suit has a built-in ‘biomix,’ made up of mushrooms and other microorganisms that help decompose the body, ‘neutralize toxins’ and transfer nutrients to plant life.”1

According to Coeio, the end result of being buried in either their Infinity Burial Suit or any of their other products is that “bodies are transformed into vital nutrients that enrich the earth and foster new life.”

What do you think? Would you want to be buried in a mushroom (or any other type) or sustainable burial suit?



  1. CNN